7th October 2024
Asr Iqamah
4:12 pm1 Hours 17 Minutes |
Prayer | Begins | Iqamah |
Fajr | 5:56 am | 6:06 am |
Sunrise | 7:22 am | |
Duhr | 1:02 pm | 1:30 pm |
Asr | 4:02 pm | 4:12 pm |
Magrib | 6:41 pm | 6:43 pm |
Ishaa | 8:10 pm | 8:20 pm |
Jumuah | 1:30 pm |
Jumuah kutbah and prayer starts after the beginning adhan at 1:30pm every Friday.
We welcome worshippers and visitors into currently the only recognised mosque in Torquay.